M o d e r a te to S e v e re R h e u m a to id A r th r itis
ENCIA is an RA treatment that works differently. It's a prescription
medication used to treat adults with moderate to severe RA who have not
been helped enough by other medications for RA. It's been shown to:
Fasten this?
S till h a v in g tro u b le
w ith e ve ryd a y th in g s ?
M a yb e it's tim e fo r a
Relieve the pain, swelling, and fatigue o f RA
ch an ge in tre a tm e n t
Control the advance o f joint damage
- Help improve physical and emotional health-related quality of life
ORENCIA has been proven to make a difference for many patients who haven't been getting
enough help from treatments such as methotrexate, Enbrel
Humira®, and Remicade
There are several treatment options for RA. Ask your rheumatologist if ORENCIA is right for you.
Find out if you could be saying "Oh, yes I can!"
Get your free information package about ORENCIA: How it's different,
and how to receive a personalized symptom assessment.
Call 1-888-325-8019 now. Or go to www.YeslcanORENCIA.com.
ORENCIA is a 30-minute IV infusion given by a healthcare professional.
ORENCIA is given every 4 weeks after initial dosing regimen.
r e n c i a
Important Safety Information about ORENCIA:
Before you receive treatment with ORENCIA, some of the things
you should tell your doctor arc if you:
• are taking other biologic medicines for RA such as Enbrel®
Remicade*; Humira* or Kineret*, because taking ORENCIA
with biologic medicines for RA may increase your
risk of getting a serious infection
• are prone to or have any infection like an open sore or the flu
because having an infection could put you at risk for serious
side effects from ORENCIA
• have a history of a chronic lung disease called COPD.
ORENCIA may worsen symptoms of COPD
• are nursing, pregnant, or planning to become pregnant.
Talk with your doctor about whether to continue with ORENCIA
• have diabetes and are using a blood glucose monitor. Some
monitors can give falsely high blood glucose readings with
ORENCIA on the day of your infusion
Like all medicines that affect your immune system, ORENCIA
can cause
serious side effects
including serious infections and
allergic reactions. Also, rare cases of certain cancers have been
reported. The role of ORENCIA in the development of cancer is
not known. Common side effects include headache, upper
respiratory tract infections, sore throat, and nausea.
If you have any questions about ORENCIA, talk with your doctor.
It’ you need help paying for prescription medicines, you may be eligible tor
assistance. ( '.ill
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), or go to w\vw.p|)<irx.org.
Please read the Important
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA.
Facts on the following page.
Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
О 2(Ю7 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
ORENCIA is a registered trademark of
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. Enbrel, I lumira. Remicade, and Kineret are trademarks of their respective companies.